Monday, December 20, 2010

Halloween, Christmas, and SUSHI!!!

Paige is doing awesome! She sent me a letter full of pictures on the 8th of November (I haven't had the chance to scan them in until now) and another letter with a few more pictures. They are posted below with her captions.
Funniest/Awkward billboard I laugh every time I see it!

Oct. 10th 2010, Amanda Kemp Garcia one of our major baptisms, she took 6 months of hard work and love, but she is officially a member!

Ruth (8), Brandon (11) Poirer--Brother and sister we taught and got the mom to consent to baptism. Oct 10 2010.

From right to left: Cozzen It...I mean Jessica WhiteEagle, Nikki WhiteEagle, and Celeste. They are a Native American family. Jessica is active. They are all so awesome we love them! And the make amazing Mexican and flat bread.

Me showing the WhiteEagles how to make fondant. Nikki is a food-nerd like me! This was a P-Day.

MMM YUM! It was a Christmas gift from me to me!

My companion likes it too!


Merry Christmas!!!

Paige is training a new companion now! Her name is Sister Brendlinger. Paige is a little nervous and says, "I feel like the Lord is training her all by himself, and I am here along for the ride."

Miss you, Paige!! Merry Christmas!